Responsibilities of the Governing Boards
Local Health Network (LHN) Governing Boards are responsible for the overall governance and oversight of local service delivery by the LHNs, including governance of performance and budget achievement, clinical governance, safety and quality, risk management and fulfilment of the Governing Board functions and responsibilities.
Governing Boards are responsible and accountable to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing.
Role of Boards
LHN Governing Boards role includes:
- managing local health service delivery that is safe, high quality and efficient
- monitor quality of health services
- being accountable for meeting performance measures in Service Agreements
- contributing to and implementing system-wide plans issued by the Department of Health and Wellbeing
- maintaining land, buildings and assets controlled and managed by the health service
- consulting health professionals working in the health service and with health consumers and community members about the provision of health services
- cooperating with other providers of health services, including providers of primary health care, in planning for, and providing, health services.
Governing Boards are responsible for appointing the LHN Chief Executive Officer, who reports to the board. Responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the LHNs remains with the LHN Chief Executive Officers.
In performing their functions, Governing Boards are required to comply with directions issued by the Minister or Chief Executive, and any policies of the Department specified by the Minister or Chief Executive to apply to the boards in the performance of their functions.
Governing Board Membership
The Minister for Health and Wellbeing is responsible for appointing Governing Board Chairpersons and members for terms of up to three years.
Under the Health Care Act 2008 (the Act), each Governing Board must have between six to eight Members with knowledge and experience in:
- health management
- clinical governance
- commercial management
- financial management
- the practice of the law, and
- the provision of health services.
In addition, each Governing Boards must have:
- at least two members who are health professionals, and
- at least one member who has expertise, knowledge or experience in relation to Aboriginal health.
Governing Board Charter
The Minister for Health and Wellbeing has endorsed the Charter for Local Health Network Governing Boards - Volume 1 (PDF 800KB) to apply to all ten Governing Boards.
The Volume 1 Charter sets out the governance arrangements, functions, roles and responsibilities of the Governing Boards. The Charter also provides information about requirements for members, and expectations for evaluations of Board effectiveness.
Each Governing Board will develop a Volume 2 Charter to outline the policies, procedures and processes of the Governing Board.
Board Secretariats
Each Governing Board is supported by a Board Secretariat. The Board Secretariat provides administrative support, including agenda preparation, taking meeting minutes and circulating papers, and support to ensure that board business is conducted in a manner consistent with good governance practice. The role also includes ensuring the effective flow of information within the Governing Board and with the LHN Chief Executive Officer.
The Board Secretariat carries out the instructions of the board, assisting in the implementation of corporate strategies and giving practical effect to the board’s decisions.