SA Health governance reforms

The State Government established 10 Local Health Networks (LHNs), each with its own Governing Board, which commenced operation on 1 July 2019.

From this date, six new regional LHNs replaced Country Health SA LHN. In addition, the Department for Health and Wellbeing (the Department) took on a revised role, complementing and supporting the LHNs through high-level system direction and performance management, as well as its government departmental roles to support the Minister and Chief Executive in exercising their responsibilities.

Two other key Government initiatives were completed, being the establishment of Wellbeing SA and the Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health on 6 January 2020.

Governing Boards

Amendments to establish the Governing Boards under the Health Care Act 2008 were passed by Parliament on 26 July 2018 in the Health Care (Governance) Amendment Act 2018 and came into operation on 1 July 2019.

Further amendments to deliver improved governance, by ensuring there are clear statutory roles, responsibilities and accountabilities across the South Australian public health system, were passed on 8 June 2021 in the Health Care (Governance) Amendment Act 2021 and came into operation on 23 August 2021.

Statewide boards

Women's and Children's Health Network

Metropolitan boards

Central Adelaide Local Health Network

Southern Adelaide Local Health Network

Northern Adelaide Local Health Network

Regional boards

Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network

Eyre and Far North Local Health Network

Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network

Limestone Coast Local Health Network

Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network

Yorke and Northern Local Health Network

Further information